
At Stet, we offer a range of bespoke services to suit your individual needs. From fiction editing and website proofing to audio transcription, our goal is to provide you with the tools to perfect your project at an affordable price.

Fiction Editing

As admirers and writers of fiction ourselves, we offer a range of services to published and unpublished authors for short stories, flash fiction, and full-length novels.

Academic and Non-Fiction

Whether a university student, an academic submitting an article for publication, or working on a non-fiction project, get in touch for our tailored and affordable services.

Transcription Services

Need to pick out snippets of a longer recording or format an interview for publication? Enquire today for our audio transcription services, designed around your specific requirements.

Company Outsourcing

Are you a start-up publishing company? Need help proofreading for marketing material, or editorial cover due to low staff? Get in touch today for our company outsourcing services.

English Correction

If English is not your first language, we offer an individually priced service to help correct your grammar, punctuation, and structure to standard British or American English.

Website Proofreading

Enquire today for our website proofreading service. Just provide us the links and we’ll test, proofread, and offer suggestions to better optimise your online platform.

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