Top 3 Writing Competitions in June 2020

As the new year moves unnervingly forwards, don’t let work woes get in the way of your writing career. Competitions are one of the best ways to keep active while working on a longer project and can help reignite your writer’s flame.

Don’t Feel Guilty for Not Writing

I feel guilty when I’m not working. If I’m not editing, or writing, I feel like I’m letting my side down. When I’m too busy to write I feel like I’m letting my characters down, and when I finally sit in front of that blank page, tea in hand, several hours to kill, I can’t do it. I have to get up, go make some more tea, maybe a lavender brew this time to calm my raging thoughts. Then I get up again, tidy the room, a messy room is a messy mind. But nothing is coming.

Top 3 Writing Competitions in March 2020

As the new year moves unnervingly forwards, don’t let work woes get in the way of your writing career. Competitions are one of the best ways to keep active while working on a longer project and can help reignite your writer’s flame.

Top Books to Capture Your Child’s Imagination (by Genre)

Getting kids to read is a nightmare, and it’s totally down to their preference. Some children just do not enjoy reading, and there’s nothing we can do there. But sometimes a lack of interest in school is down to the fact that school reading is SUPER BORING! So here’s a few of my suggestions to get kids reading, bearing in mind that this applies to children between 11 and 16.

Breaking Down the Difference between “That” and “Which”

The problem of “that” and “which” comes down to their use as relative pronouns, and more specifically in the difference between non-essential and essential clauses…

Best Writing Competitions to Enter in January 2020

If those creative juices are flowing, January is an ideal deadline for anyone in need of some extra money or to start 2020 off right.

The Value of Alternative Reading

People like to use the term ‘voracious reader’, but only so far as it extends to reading books – the classics, Anna Karenina, Little Women, Shakespeare; but when I was delving into sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, everyone said I should expand my tastes. After a bit of resistance, I tried. Nothing beats your preference, but there are things to be said for reading anything and everything.

Understanding Clauses: Punctuation and Terminology

Writing is not just an exploratory exercise in creativity, it is a craft, and like any craft, there are fundamentals. When building a house, blueprints are vital, and clauses are part of the architecture of writing.

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